Laser Surgery for Treating a Fissure

Laser Fissure Surgery in Kolkata By the Top Laser Surgeon

What’s an Anal Fissure?

A little tear in the thin, moist tissue (mucosa) lining the anus is known as anal fissure. An anal fissure may develop at the time of passing hard stools during a bowel movement. Anal fissures typically cause painful bowel movements along with bleeding. One may also experience spasms in the anal sphincter. Most anal fissures get better with simple medical treatments, says Dr Purnendu Bhowmik, the best fissure doctor in Kolkata. However, some people with anal fissures may require, surgery.

What are the Causes of Anal Fissure?

  • Straining due to the passing of large or hard stools.
  • Prolonged diarrhoea
  • Chronic constipation
  • Straining during childbirth
  • Tight anal sphincter muscles
  • Underlying medical problems like anal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, HIV, TB etc.

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    What are the Benefits of Laser Over Open Surgery in Fissure?

    • No cut, stitches or big wound
    • Painless, bloodless procedure
    • Less than 24 hours of hospital stay
    • No complication such as incontinence
    • Quick recovery and return to normal life (within 24 hours)
    • No dressing required
    • Extremely cost-effective

    What are the Symptoms of Anal Fissure?

    Fissure Doctor in Kolkata explains Patients with an anal fissure may have one or more of these symptoms:

    • Pain, during bowel movements
    • Pain after bowel movements, lasting up to several hours
    • Discharge of bright red blood along with the stool after a bowel movement
    • A visible crack appears in the skin around the anus
    • Development of a small lump or skin tag on the skin near the anal fissure

    What is the Treatment for Anal Fissure?

    Fissure treatment in Kolkata consists of both medical and surgical treatment. Medical treatment employs laxatives, ointments and sitz bath; however, the relief obtained is only temporary and the symptoms recur after a while.

    The surgical treatments are usually used for anal fissures, which are resistant to medical therapy. There are two types of fissure surgery –

    • Open fissure surgery (sphincterotomy) – In an open fissure surgery, the surgeon makes a small incision in the skin to access the sphincter muscle. Once the sphincter muscle shows up, the surgeon cuts into it to reduce the muscle spasm. In some cases, the incision may be closed or left open to heal.
    • Laser fissure surgery (sphincterolysis) – Laser fissure surgery is the latest and advanced method of treating anal fissure. The tight anal sphincter muscle is released with a laser energy source, providing immediate relief of symptoms. The procedure lasts for about 10-15 minutes.

    What is Laser Fissure Surgery for Anal Fissure?

    In laser sphincterolysis the tight anal sphincter muscle is released with a laser energy source and provides immediate relief of symptoms. It is the most latest and advanced method of treating anal fissure, says the fissure doctor.

    How Long Does the Procedure Take?

    Laser sphincterolysis takes only 10-15 mins

    Will My Procedure be Covered by Insurance?

    Yes, we cover all insurance and Mediclaim.

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    What Our Patients Say about Anal Fissure Surgery

    Dr. Purnendu Bhowmik: Patients call him the best fissure doctor in kolkata, for his expertise in laser treatment for fissure and his great personality.

    Who are At Risk:

    Surgery is basically superior to medicinal treatment options, but it should only be considered in patients with chronic anal fissures where medical treatments have failed, says Dr. Bhowmik who is considered to be the best laser surgeon in Kolkata. There is, however, a slight risk of faecal and flatus incontinence following surgery.

    • Pregnant women are at risk of developing anal fissures due to the pressure on their perineum.
    • Local ischaemia or anal sphincter muscle spasm increases the risks of anal fissures.
    • Inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s disease causes the intestinal tract to inflame, making the lining of the anal canal more vulnerable to tearing.
    • Anal fissures can occur at any age. However, it is more common among infants and middle-aged adults.


    Initial management is directed at minimising further local trauma, providing adequate pain relief, relaxing the anal sphincter spasm and avoiding further constipation.

    • Laxatives and fibre supplements : stool must be kept soft (the passage of hard stool may undo weeks or months of healing)
    • Pain relief measures such as:
      1. Sitz bath: regular warm salted baths
      2. Local anaesthetic creams
      3. Oral pain medications (analgesics)

    Surgical techniques are commonly used for anal fissures which are resistant to medical therapy. They are aimed to relax the internal sphincter. They include:

    • Closed lateral sphincterotomy
    • Open lateral sphincterotomy and
    • Posterior midline sphincterotomy

    Anal Fissure Surgery is basically superior to medicinal treatment options, but it should only be considered in patients with chronic anal fissures where medical treatments have failed, says Dr. Bhowmik who is considered to be the best laser fissure surgeon in Kolkata. There is, however, a slight risk of faecal and flatus incontinence following surgery.

    Accolades and recognitions of Dr. Purnendu Bhowmik

    • MBBS (Hons)
    • MS (Surgery)
    • FACS (USA)
    • MRCS (Edinburgh)
    • MRCPS (Glasgow)
    • FMAS (Minimal Access Surgery)
    • FALS (Colo-Rectal Surgery)
    • FIAGES (Gastrointestinal Endo Surgery)
    • FAIS
    • CC Laser Proctology (Poland)
    • CC Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery
    • Advanced Laparoscopy, Laser, GI & GI Onco Surgeon
    • Opening Hours

      Mon to Sat: 8 am – 5 pm, Sunday: CLOSED