Laser Piles Surgery in Kolkata

Dr. Purnendu Bhowmik – Renowned Piles Surgeon in Kolkata

What are Piles?

As explained by the piles surgeon in Kolkata, piles or haemorrhoids are a swollen collection of veins and tissues in your anus and lower rectum. Piles vary in size and can be located inside or outside the anus. Piles situated at 2 and 4 centimeters above the anal opening are known as Internal Hemorrhoids. The ones found on the outside edge of the anus are known as External Haemorrhoids.

Piles Or Haemorrhoids Grades

Piles or Haemorrhoids can be classified into four grades – as discussed by the best Surgeon of piles

  • Grade 1: Small inflammations, usually inside the lining of the anus.
  • Grade 2: These are larger than grade one piles. They remain inside the anus; however, they may get pushed out during defecation. They return unaided.
  • Grade 3: These appear outside the anus and are known as prolapsed haemorrhoids. An individual with grade three piles may feel them hanging from the rectum; however, they can be easily re-inserted.
  • Grade 4: Grade four piles grow large and remain outside of the anus. These cannot be pushed back in and require treatment. External piles develop small lumps outside on the edge of the anus. They feel itchy and can turn painful if a blood clot forms and blocks the flow of blood. Clotted external piles require immediate medical attention.

    Reach Out For Consultation

    How to Tell that You Have Piles?

    According to Dr. Purnendu Bhowmik, considered to be the best piles Surgeon in Kolkata, you are likely to have piles, if you experience

    Itching or Irritation in Your Anal Region
    Pain or Discomfort
    Swelling around Your Anus
    Bleeding Per Rectum

    Symptoms of Piles

    Dr Purnendu Bhowmik, the best piles surgeon in Kolkata, lists the symptoms an individual with piles may experience. Typically, piles symptoms are not a cause of concern. The issue usually resolves on its own within a few days.

    • A hard, painful lump around the anus.
    • The bowel may feel full even after defecation.
    • Discharge of bright red blood with stool.
    • The area surrounding the anus feels itchy and sore.
    • Pain during defecation.

    These symptoms can, however, turn severe and cause significant health issues. The severe symptoms include –

    • Excessive anal bleeding, causing anaemia.
    • Infection or a blood clot due to strangulated haemorrhoid
    • Faecal Incontinence (inability to control bowel movements)
    • Anal Fistula

    When to See a Piles Doctor?

    If you have bleeding during passage of stool or you have piles that does not improve even after a week of home care, talk to the best piles surgeon in Kolkata. (Do not assume every per rectal bleeding to be due to hemorrhoids, especially if it is associated with change in bowel habit and or change of stool color and/or consistency. Bleeding in your rectum may occur with other conditions, including colorectal cancer and anal cancer.)

    How to Prevent Piles?

    The best way you can prevent piles is by avoiding constipation and by keeping your stool soft. You can follow these tips:

    • Eat High-fiber Foods
    • Drink Plenty of Fluids
    • Daily Exercise
    • Consider Fiber Supplements
    • Avoid Long Periods of Sitting
    • Don’t Strain

    Popular Questions Regarding Piles

    Piles Treatment in Kolkata – Get Rid of Piles Quickly and Easily.

    Small piles or haemorrhoids may disappear without any treatment within a few days. But, larger piles need intervention to cure. If you have symptoms and have not improved with home care within a few days, it is best to see a doctor for piles treatment in Kolkata.

    If left untreated, piles or hemorrhoids can increase in size, upgrade and protrude out of the anus to cause irritation, severe bleeding and other severe complications. Moreover, if you avoid being examined by a doctor, you may miss other disease which might sometimes present as piles.

    Fortunately, piles are treatable and curable if managed properly.

    Yes. Laser procedure for piles treatment is absolutely safe in the hand of a qualified & experienced laser surgeon.

    Hemorrhoid laser procedure (LHP) is a new technique in which haemorrhoidal arterial flow feeding the haemorrhoidal venous plexus is stopped by laser coagulation. Laser piles surgery, when applicable, is preferable over other form of treatment as it not only is a bloodless & painless procedure but also provides quick recovery.

    Laser Babasir treatment, a term used for piles or haemorrhoid surgery, is painless or in some cases, minimally painful.

    • USFDA approved
    • Day-care Procedure
    • Faster Recovery
    • No Stitches, No Wound, No Dressing, No Scar
    • Bloodless, painless
    • No Need of Prolonged Medication
    • No Anal Stenosis, No Constipation
    • Minimal Recurrence, High Success Rate

    Hemorrhoids do not occur due to a single causative factor, says the best laser surgeon in Kolkata. Most often, however, they are caused by an increased pressure on the anal canal. This can be due to:

    • Chronic (ongoing) constipation
    • Straining during bowel movements
    • Diarrhea
    • Pregnancy and childbirth
    • Sitting too long on the toilet
    • Strenuous exercise or heavy lifting
    • Aging

    What are the Advantages of Laser Piles Surgery over Conventional Surgical Procedures?

    Sl No. Factors Conventional Surgery Laser Surgery
    1 Operative Time 45 mins 15 mins
    2 Hospital Stay 2-3 Days Day Care
    3 Recovery 2-3 Weeks 2-3 Days
    4 Bleeding Moderate Bloodless
    5 Pain Moderate Painless
    6 Relief of Symptoms Takes 2-3 Weeks Quick (within days)
    7 Chance of Infection Moderate to High Minimal
    8 Post-op Anal Stenosis & Constipation High No
    9 Recurrence High Minimal

    Why Choose Laser Piles Surgery?

    Dr Purnendu Bhowmik, the best laser Piles surgeon in Kolkata, lists why you should choose laser piles surgery.

    • We accept all types of Medical insurance
    • Minimal Blood Loss
    • Minimal Pain
    • 30-minute procedure
    • Quick Recovery
    • Low chance of damaging other tissues
    • Precise Treatment
    • Minimal recurrence, high success rate
    • No need for prolonged medication
    • No anal stenosis, no constipation

    Talk to Piles Surgeon in Full Privacy

    What Our Patients Say about Piles Surgery

    Causes of Piles

    Pressure in the lower rectum is the leading cause of Piles. Dr Purnendu Bhowmik, a laser piles surgeon in Kolkata, explains that when the blood vessels in the rectum and around the anus expand under pressure, it swells and bulges, forming piles.

    Conditions which facilitate the development of Piles are –

    • Chronic constipation
    • Chronic diarrhoea
    • Heavy Weight Lifting
    • Pregnancy
    • Straining While Defecating
    • Family History of Piles

    Diagnosis of Piles

    A piles surgeon will usually ask these five questions to evaluate whether a person may have piles –

    1. Do any of your close relatives have piles?
    2. Have you noticed any blood or mucus in the stools?
    3. Did you go through a recent weight loss?
    4. Have your bowel movements changed recently?
    5. What colour are your stools?

    Upon asking these questions, if the doctor suspects piles, a physical examination will be carried out.

    • Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) – During a DRE, a piles specialist doctor will gently insert a lubricated, gloved finger inside the anus and feel for any abnormalities.
    • Proctoscope – A proctoscope is a hollow tube with a light at the end. It lets the piles doctor examine the anal canal up close.
    • Colonoscopy – A doctor might recommend a colonoscopy if you have piles and present signs and symptoms suggesting another digestive system disease or colorectal cancer.

    Treatments for Piles

    There are many treatment options for piles, says Dr Purnendu Bhowmik, the best laser piles surgeon in Kolkata.

    Lifestyle Changes for Piles Treatment

    Upon piles diagnosis, a piles doctor will initially recommend some lifestyle changes to manage the symptoms.

    Diet: Constipation is one of the primary causes of piles. Therefore, a change in diet will keep stools soft and facilitate bowel movement. This involves eating more fibre such as fruits and vegetables, or primarily eating bran-based breakfast cereals.

    Water consumption should also be increased and it is best to avoid caffeine.

    Body weight: Losing weight helps reduce the severity of piles. Doctors, therefore, recommend exercising as one of the leading therapies for piles.

    Medications for Piles

    Over the counter medications like painkillers, ointments, creams, and pads can help manage piles symptoms. If a person suffers from constipation, laxatives will also be prescribed by the piles doctor.

    Piles Surgery Options

    • Banding: An elastic band is attached at the base of the haemorrhoid to cut off its blood supply. The haemorrhoid falls off on its own after a few days. The procedure is effective for treating all haemorrhoids that are less than grade four.
    • Sclerotherapy: The procedure is an alternative to banding and is effective for grade two and three haemorrhoids. The methods include the injection of a medicine into the haemorrhoid to make it shrink.
    • Haemorrhoidectomy: In this procedure, the excess tissue causing the bleeding is surgically removed. The surgery is done through a combination of a local anaesthetic, a spinal anaesthetic, or a general anaesthetic. This procedure is the most effective for completely removing piles. However, there are risks of complications involved like difficulty with passing stools and urinary tract infections.
    • Haemorrhoid Stapling: The method aims to cut off blood flow to the haemorrhoid tissue. Compared to haemorrhoidectomy, this procedure is usually less painful. However, it increases the risk of piles recurrence and rectal prolapse (part of the rectum pushes out of the anus).
    • Laser Piles Surgery: This method involves the use of a device to burn and shrink the haemorrhoid tissue. Laser Piles Surgery is used to treat grade one and two haemorrhoids.

    Accolades and recognitions of Dr. Purnendu Bhowmik

    • MBBS (Hons)
    • MS (Surgery)
    • FACS (USA)
    • MRCS (Edinburgh)
    • MRCPS (Glasgow)
    • FMAS (Minimal Access Surgery)
    • FALS (Colo-Rectal Surgery)
    • FIAGES (Gastrointestinal Endo Surgery)
    • FAIS
    • CC Laser Proctology (Poland)
    • CC Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery
    • Advanced Laparoscopy, Laser, GI & GI Onco Surgeon
    • Opening Hours

      Mon to Sat: 8 am – 5 pm, Sunday: CLOSED