What Is Achalasia Cardia? Is It Curable?

What Is Achalasia Cardia? Is It Curable?

Achalasia cardia is an uncommon disorder of the esophagus (a muscular throat that connects the throat and stomach, helping pass foods and liquids). It is a condition when the myenteric nerve plexus of the oesophageal wall loses its ability to function properly, which ultimately leads to deranged oesophageal peristalsis. An individual with achalasia cardia struggles with swallowing difficulty. As food and liquids are unable to pass down the stomach, they get collected and start fermenting, causing a variety of symptoms like a bitter taste in the mouth, chest pain, acid reflux and weight loss.
As achalasia cardia is a difficult condition, the question arises whether it is curable or not. In this blog, we will understand whether achalasia cardia surgical treatment, which is considered the standard approach to resolving its symptoms, offers a permanent solution to those affected.

How Do You Know If You Are Suffering From Achalasia Cardia?

The signs appear gradually and worsen over time. The following are the symptoms that individuals experience.

  • A feeling like food or liquid got stuck in the throat
  • Throwing up of the stomach’s acidic content or saliva
  • Heartburn
  • Frequent chest pain that comes and goes
  • Constant coughing
  • Pneumonia if food accumulates in the lungs
  • Vomitting
  • Weight loss
  • Hiccups
  • Drooling

If these symptoms are not treated at the right time, the condition leads to a variety of serious medical complications in the long run.

Are There Any Treatment Options For Achalasia Cardia?

The probability of those affected by this condition is suspected, with individuals suffering from dysphagia along with acid reflux due to indigested food.
Currently, there are no treatment options that can permanently resolve this condition; however, there are approaches by which you can get relief from its symptoms. There are 5 treatment modalities as done by Dr. Purnendu Bhowmik, a reputed laparoscopic and GI surgeon.

  • Botox: It is a useful treatment for those who are unable to tolerate invasive surgeries. The response rate of this method is as high as 80%–90%. However, recurrent treatment is required.
  • Surgical intervention: Achalasia cardia surgical treatment is the most effective treatment option for this condition with improved morbidity and a higher recovery rate. The technique involves the division of the LES circular muscle fibres.
  • Pneumatic Dilation: It is a non-operative treatment with a success rate of 55–70 per cent in a single dilation. Depending on the severity, you need more than one session.
  • Esophagectomy: It is for individuals who are in the advanced stage of achalasia cardia.

In most cases, surgeons usually opt for achalasia cardia surgical treatment as the standard management condition for this condition.

Are there any treatment options for achalasia cardia


It is true that there is no permanent treatment for achalasia cardia; however, it is still possible to control the symptoms with different approaches. Make sure that you always go for early detection and regular monitoring to have a normal life.